Privacy policy

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This privacy policy contains information on how we protect user privacy and how personal data is processed on the website

I. Administrator / data protection officer / supervisory authority

Personal data administrator
This Privacy Policy applies to data processing by:
MARBET Spółka z o. o
street Chochołowska 28
43-346 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
tel. +48 33 81 27 100

Data Protection Officer
If the information contained in this Privacy Policy is not sufficient or understandable, please contact our Data Protection Officer:
Grzegorz Krawiec
MARBET Spółka z o. o
street Chochołowska 28
43-346 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
tel. +48 790 215 608

Competent supervisory authority
President of the Personal Data Protection Office
street Rates 2
00-193 Warsaw, Poland

II. Definitions

The definitions result from Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter referred to as the "General Data Protection Regulation" or "GDPR") .

III. General rules/information

1. Scope of personal data processing

We generally collect and use website users' personal data only to the extent necessary to provide and provide our services and to display our website.
Personal data may be processed for other purposes only:

  • after obtaining the user's consent,
  • if the processing is for the purposes of implementing a contract or
  • protection of legitimate interests, except where these purposes and interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data.

The exception is cases where data processing is permitted by law.

2. Legal basis

If personal data are processed on the basis of the data subject's consent, the legal basis for processing is Art. 6 section 1 letter a GDPR.
When processing personal data as part of the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party, the legal basis is Art. 6 section 1 letter b GDPR. This also applies to processing required to perform pre-contractual activities.
If personal data are processed for the purpose of fulfilling a legal obligation to which we are subject, the legal basis is Art. 6 section 1 letter c GDPR.
Data processing to protect the legitimate interests of the Administrator or a third party takes place pursuant to Art. 6 section 1 letter f GDPR, and the interests, fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject do not override the previously mentioned interests.

3. Obtaining consent/right to withdraw consent

Consent pursuant to Art. 6 section 1 letter a of the GDPR is usually obtained electronically.
Consent is expressed by checking the appropriate box, which serves as documentation of consent. You may withdraw your consent at any time with future effect. Any withdrawal should be sent to the contact details provided in point. And on the data of the Administrator or data protection officer.

4. Recipients of personal data

To operate our website, we sometimes appoint external service providers who, as part of the provision of services, act on our behalf and in accordance with our instructions (data processor). These service providers may receive or come into contact with personal data as part of the provision of services and are therefore third parties or recipients within the meaning of the GDPR.
In such a case, we ensure that our service providers provide appropriate guarantees that they have appropriate technical and organizational measures available and process data in a manner consistent with the requirements of this regulation and ensure the protection of the rights of data subjects (see Article 28 of the GDPR).
If personal data is transferred to third parties and/or recipients in a manner other than for the purpose of processing as part of the order, we ensure that this is done only in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR (e.g. Article 6(4) of the GDPR) and only if there is an appropriate legal basis (e.g. Article 6(4) of the GDPR).

5. Data processing in the so-called third countries

Personal data is generally processed in the EU or the European Economic Area (“EEA”).
Only in exceptional cases (e.g. in connection with the use of the services of service providers from the web analysis segment) may the so-called information be transferred. third countries. Third countries are countries that do not belong to the European Union and/or do not have a signed treaty on membership of the European Economic Area, in which an adequate level of data protection cannot be assumed in accordance with EU standards.
If the information transferred also includes personal data, before such transfer, we ensure that an adequate level of data protection is ensured in a given third country or at a given recipient in a third country. This may result from a so-called "adequacy decision" of the European Union or be provided on the basis of so-called "EU standard contractual clauses".

6. Data deletion and storage period

The personal data of the data subject are deleted or blocked if there is no purpose for their processing. Storage in the absence of a processing purpose only takes place if this is provided for by the European or national legislator on the basis of EU regulations, laws or other provisions to which our company is subject (e.g. to fulfill statutory storage obligations and/or in the event of a legitimate storage interests, e.g. during limitation periods for legal defense against any claims). The data will also be blocked or deleted when the storage period specified in the above-mentioned standards expires, unless there is a need to continue storing the data for the purpose of concluding a contract or for other purposes.

IV. Viewing a website

1. Purpose and legal basis

When viewing our website, the browser on your end device sends the following data to our website server and temporarily stores it (hereinafter referred to as "log data") without your participation:

  • information about the browser type and version used;
  • user's operating system;
  • your Internet service provider;
  • user's IP address (without personal data);
  • date and time of access;
  • websites from which the user's system enters our website;
  • websites that are accessed from your system via our website;
  • user navigation on our website.

The legal basis for the processing of the IP address and other data indicated above is Art. 6 section 1 letter f) GDPR. Our legitimate interest results from the above-mentioned processing purposes. If the presentation is used to prepare a contract, the legal basis for processing is Art. 6 section 1 letter b) GDPR.

2. Data recipients / categories of data recipients

The data is not transferred to persons. third.

3. Data deletion and storage period

The IP address is stored for 30 days and then automatically deleted.
With regard to data such as: browser type/version, operating system used, URL address (of the page previously visited), host name of the computer from which the access was made (IP address), time of sending the query to the server, more information on their processing can be found in point VI.2..

4. Possibility of objection and deletion

The recording of log data for the provision of the website and its storage in log files within the limits mentioned is necessary for the operation of the website. The user has no opportunity to object.
Different rules apply to the processing of log data for analytical purposes, as they result from point. VIII, depending on the currently used web analysis tool or the type of data analysis (personal/anonymized/pseudonymized).


V. Use of cookies

1. Purpose and legal basis

Our website uses cookies. Cookies are text files that are placed on your device (laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.) when you visit our websites. The cookie stores information related to the specific device you are using. Such a cookie contains a characteristic string of characters that allows the browser to be uniquely identified when it returns to the website. However, this does not mean that we are directly informed about your identity.

The use of cookies serves the following purposes, depending on the cookie category:

  • Necessary. The purpose of using these cookies is to simplify the use of the website by users. Some features of our website are not available without the use of cookies (e.g. to display our website/features you wish to use, to remember your registration in the login area, etc.). To use them, it is necessary to re-recognize the browser also after switching to another website. User data is not used to create user profiles. The cookies used include in particular the processing of the following categories of personal data: user inputs (to remember input data on several subpages), authentication data (to identify the user after registration to gain access to authorized content on subsequent visits), security-relevant events (e.g. detection of multiple failed login attempts), data for playing multimedia content.
  • Preferences. They allow us to take into account your actual or perceived preferences regarding the convenient use of our website (e.g. displaying our websites in the appropriate language for the user). The cookies used include in particular the processing of categories of personal data related to the adjustment of the user interface that are not linked to a permanent identifier (e.g. active language selection or specific display of search queries).
  • Statistical. They enable us to create anonymous statistics on the use of our services in order to adapt them to your needs (e.g. we can determine how to adapt our websites even better to user habits). The cookies used include in particular the processing of the following categories of personal data related to the pseudonymization of user profiles with information about the use of our website, which include browser type/version, operating system used, URL of the referring site, host name of the accessing computer, IP address, server request time, individual user ID, triggered events on the website. We only link your user ID to other data from you (e.g. name, email address, etc.) with your express consent. We cannot draw any conclusions about you based solely on your user ID.
  • Advertising. They enable us to display advertising content that is relevant to you, based on an analysis of your usage pattern. We can also track your usage pattern across different websites, browsers or end devices using a user ID (unique identifier). The cookies used include, in particular, the processing of the following categories of personal data related to the pseudonymization of user profiles with information about the use of our website, which include: IP address, individual user ID, potential interest in products, triggered events on the website. We only link your user ID to other data from you (e.g. name, email address, etc.) with your express consent. We cannot draw any conclusions about you based solely on your user ID. Where appropriate, we share your user ID and associated usage profiles with third parties through ad network providers.

The legal basis for the use of technically necessary cookies is Art. 6 section 1 letter b GDPR, and may also be Art. 6 section 1 letter f GDPR, which means that we process your data on the basis of our legitimate interest, which is to enable you to use our website uninterrupted.
The legal basis for using cookies to set preferences, for statistical and marketing purposes is your consent pursuant to Art. 6 section 1 letter a GDPR.
You can revoke/adjust your consent at any time with future effect, without affecting the validity of the processing based on consent until the revocation. By removing the corresponding checkmarks, you can easily revoke your consent to the relevant processing purposes.

2. Data recipients / categories of data recipients

For data processing using cookies, we use specialized service providers, especially from the internet marketing sector, to process usage data. These service providers process your data on our behalf as processors and are in each case subject to contractual obligations in accordance with Art. 28 GDPR. If you have consented to processing for marketing purposes, we may share your user ID and associated user profiles with third parties through advertising network providers.

3. Data deletion and storage period

Cookies are saved on the user's end device (mobile device / computer) and transferred from there to our websites. A distinction is made between so-called persistent and session cookies. Session cookies are saved for the duration of the browser session and are deleted when you close the browser. Persistent cookies are not deleted after closing a given browser session or are saved on the user's end device for a longer period of time.

4. Possibility of objection and deletion

When you visit our website, users are informed about the use of cookies and about this data protection declaration via an information banner. The user's consent to the processing of personal data used in this regard is also obtained via the banner.
The user has full control over the use and storage of cookies. You can generally deactivate or restrict the transmission of cookies by changing your browser settings. Cookies that have already been saved can be deleted at any time. This can also be done automatically. If cookies are deactivated for our website, you will not be able to use all its functions to their full extent.

VI. Web analysis / social plugins

To optimize our websites and adapt them to the changing habits and technical conditions of our users, we use so-called web analysis tools. We check what elements users visit, whether the information they are looking for is easy to find, etc. We carry out analyzes or use the following web analysis tools on our website and online offers. We have also integrated on-screen buttons ("plug-ins") of social networks on our website. These plug-ins provide various functions, the subject and scope of which are determined by the social network administrator. Please note that the IP address of your browser session may be associated with your own profile on a given social network if you are logged in to it at the time. Your visit to our website can also be linked to your social network profile if the user is recognized by a social network cookie that has previously been set and is still stored on your computer.

1. Log data analysis

The log data is only used anonymously for analytical purposes and in particular there is no connection with the user's personal data and/or IP address or cookie. This analysis of log data is not subject to the GDPR data protection provisions.

2. Google Analytics

In order to adapt the content of our website to users' preferences and their continuous optimization (i.e. statistics and advertising cookies), pursuant to Art. 6 section 1 letter a GDPR, we use Google Analytics, Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountainview, California 94043, USA ('Google') - an analytical service provided by Google Inc. ('Google'). In this context, pseudonymized user profiles are created and cookies are used. The cookie generates the following information regarding the use of this website:

  • browser type/version,
  • operating system used,
  • URL address (of the page visited previously),
  • host name of the computer from which the entry occurred (IP address),
  • time the query was sent to the server.

This information is used to analyze the use of our website, to compile reports on the activity on these websites and to provide other services related to the use of the websites and the Internet in order to conduct market research and adapt the content of these websites to the users' preferences. IP addresses are anonymized so that they cannot be assigned (so-called IP masking).

You can manage your consent to the installation of cookies through settings; however, we point out that if consent is not granted or withdrawn, it will not be possible to use all functionalities of this website to their full extent. In addition, you can prevent Google from collecting and processing data collected through cookies and relating to your use of the website (including your IP address) by downloading and installing the browser add-on available at the following link: More information on data protection with regard to Google Analytics can be found on the Google Analytics website.

3. Google Remarketing

We use remarketing tools provided by Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; "Google"). These tools make it possible to direct advertising materials to users visiting Google partner websites who have already used our website and have shown interest in our offer. The advertisement is displayed through the use of cookies. Cookies make it possible to analyze user behavior while visiting the website and then use the information obtained to recommend specific products and present dedicated advertisements.
Users who are not interested in receiving dedicated advertising can deactivate the use of cookies by Google by visiting the website
By using our offer, you consent to the processing of acquired user data by Google in the manner and for the purpose described above. We would like to point out that Google applies separate data protection guidelines. We are not responsible for such guidelines and procedures.

4. Facebook pixel

Facebook pixel, which allows us to track activities on our website and, on this basis, display product information tailored to your needs (i.e. advertising cookies).
Information on how it works can be found on the Facebook website:
The pixel acts as a pseudonym, which means that it does not create any direct link to any personal information about you.
Opt-out option. You can adjust your consent to the use of the Facebook Pixel by:

  1. Changing the settings for individual cookie categories,
  2. Users with a Facebook account as detailed in the link below:
  3. Anyone can opt out of seeing interest-based advertising served by Facebook or its affiliates through the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (opt-out selection) by clicking on the link below: pl/yourelections.

When the cookie blocker is removed, data will be collected by the Facebook pixel again.

VII. Contact form and e-mail contact

There is a contact form on our website that you can use to contact us electronically. If the user uses this option, the data entered in the input fields will be transmitted to us and stored.
Alternatively, you can contact us via the e-mail address provided on our website. In such a case, the user's personal data provided in the email will be saved. Data is never passed on to third parties, except where we need to contact third parties to deal with your enquiry.

1. Purpose and legal basis

The data is processed solely for the purpose of considering a given inquiry or user's needs. The other data collected during sending serves to prevent misuse of the contact form and to ensure the security of our technical information systems.
The legal basis is Art. 6 section 1 letter f) GDPR or Art. 6 section 1 letter b) GDPR. Our legitimate interest in data processing results from the purpose of responding to your inquiries and solving any problems.

2. Data recipients / categories of data recipients

In exceptional cases, your data is processed on our behalf by subcontracting companies. We select these companies with the greatest care, subject them to audits and in the concluded contract we oblige them to comply with the provisions contained in Art. 28 GDPR.

3. Data deletion and storage period

All personal data that we have obtained from you as part of inquiries via this website or by e-mail are stored until the request is completed and deleted or anonymized no later than after its closure.
In the event of asserting the rights of data subjects under the GDPR, personal data will be stored for 3 years after we provide the final response, so that we can demonstrate that we have provided you with comprehensive information and that the legal requirements have been met.

4. Possibility of objection and deletion

You have the option at any time to discontinue communication with us and/or withdraw your inquiry and to refuse the appropriate use of your data. In this case, communication cannot continue. All personal data saved as part of the contact is deleted in such a situation.

VIII. Rights of data subjects

Pursuant to the GDPR, the user has in particular the following rights of data subjects:

1. Right to access (Article 15 of the GDPR)

You have the right to request information about whether we process your personal data or not. If your personal data is processed by our company, you have the right to information about:

  • processing purposes;
  • categories of personal data (type of data) that are processed;
  • the recipients or categories of recipients to whom his data is made available or is to be made available; this applies in particular to the situation where the data has been made available or is to be made available to the recipient in third countries outside the scope of GDPR;
  • if possible, the planned storage period; if the storage period cannot be communicated, the criteria for determining the storage period (e.g. statutory storage periods, etc.) must be provided;
  • the user's right to rectification and deletion of data concerning him, including the right to limit processing and/or the possibility of objecting (see also the following points);
  • the existence of the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority;
  • the origin of the data, if the personal data were not collected directly from the user.

In addition, the user has the right to information whether his or her personal data is subject to automated decision-making within the meaning of Art. 22 GDPR and, if so, what decision criteria constitute the basis for such automated decision-making or what effects and scope the automated decision-making may have on it.
If personal data are transferred to a third country outside the scope of application of the GDPR, the user has the right to be informed whether, and if so, on the basis of which guarantees, an adequate level of protection within the meaning of Art. 45, 46 GDPR at the data recipient in a third country.
You have the right to request a copy of your personal data. The first copy is free of charge, an appropriate fee may be charged for additional copies.

2. The right to rectify data (Article 16 of the GDPR)

You have the right to request us to immediately correct any inaccurate personal data relating to you. Taking into account the purposes of processing, you have the right to request that incomplete personal data be completed.

3. Right to delete data (Article 17 of the GDPR)

You have the right to request that we delete your personal data immediately if one of the following reasons occurs:

  • the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;
  • you withdraw the consent on the basis of which the processing was carried out in accordance with Art. 6 section 1 letter a or art. 9 section 2 letter a GDPR and there will be no other legal basis for processing;
  • in accordance with art. 21 section 1 or section 2 GDPR you will object to the processing and in the case of Art. 21 section 1 GDPR, there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing; personal data were processed unlawfully; deletion of personal data is required to comply with a legal obligation;
  • personal data were collected in relation to the information society services offered in accordance with Art. 8 section 1 GDPR.

If we have provided personal data and are obliged to delete it, taking into account available technologies and implementation costs, we take appropriate actions to inform third parties processing your data that you also request that they delete all links to this personal data or copies or replications of these personal data. personal data.

4. Right to restrict processing (Article 18 of the GDPR)

You have the right to request that we restrict processing if one of the following conditions applies:

  • you question the accuracy of the personal data;
  • the processing is unlawful and instead of deletion, you request the restriction of the use of personal data;
  • the controller no longer needs the personal data for the purposes for which they were processed, but the data subject needs them to assert, exercise or defend legal claims or
  • you have objected to processing in accordance with Art. 21 section 1 GDPR, as long as it is not clear whether the legitimate interests pursued by the controller outweigh the interests of the data subject.
5. The right to transfer data (Article 20 of the GDPR)

You have the right to receive your personal data provided to us in a structured, customary, machine-readable format and the right to have our data transmitted to another controller without interference, provided that:

  • processing is based on consent pursuant to Art. 6 section 1 letter a) or art. 9 section 2 letter a) or on the basis of a contract in accordance with Article 6(1)(b) GDPR i
  • processing is carried out using automated methods.

When exercising your right to data portability, you can decide that we will transfer your personal data directly to another controller, if technically feasible.

6. Right to object (Article 21 GDPR)

In the case of processing of personal data for the performance of tasks important in the public interest (Article 6(1)(e) of the GDPR) or to take into account legitimate interests (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR), you may object to the processing of your personal data at any time with future effect. In the event of an objection, we must cease further processing of your data for the listed purposes, unless:

  • there are important, protection-sensitive reasons for processing that outweigh the interests, rights and freedoms of the user or
  • processing is required for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

You can object to the use of your data for direct advertising purposes at any time with future effect; this also applies to profiling, as long as it is related to direct advertising. In the event of an objection, we must no longer process your data for direct advertising purposes.

7. Possibilities of legal protection / right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority responsible for data protection. The competent supervisory authority in Poland is the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, mentioned in point I.